Friday 11 November 2011

Birth of a Novel or How Tessa is Rubbish at Keeping Up

Major Tessa Fail, here.

I meant to do this post on Tuesday. It's Friday today. What is wrong with me! And it's only Week 2 of NaNoWriMo, so no excuses there.

Although, come to think of it, Monday is about where my NaNo's at, wordcount wise. I'm at least 8000 words behind, and no hope of catching up any time soon. Maybe ever. NaNo keeps telling me that at this rate I will finish after Christmas (if I'm lucky), which is just SOOO cheery.

I don't know what's going wrong this year. Last year I practically breezed through NaNo (ok maybe it was more of a bumble but still), this year I can't seem to string two words together in a line, never mind a sentence. It's not even funny.

My story is completely stuck, what plot I had has come undone, and no replacement looming on the horizon, either. My Muse is apparently on holiday, and inspiration is slow going, if that. I'm piecing things together one very painful word at a time and it isn't getting me anywhere.

I blame the fog.

You see, for the last couple of days (weeks) we've had little but foggy weather around here. Ideal writing weather, no?

No. Because apparently, when there's a fog, everything at work decides to go wrong and/or need my personal attention, which leaves me with a) little time to write b) no brain cells left to think with at the end of the day, never mind type up some words. I'm seriously considering an investment into a dictaphone, though - who knows, maybe I can find the energy to talk, at least. Though goodness knows when I'll have the time to transcribe that (probably at 23:55 on November 30th, knowing me).

OK enough whining for now. How are you guys and gals doing with your NaNo? Everything on track, or are you perhaps one of those depressingly cheerful over-achievers who will end up with a gazillion words at the end of November, all of it neatly edited and wrapped up with a pink bow? Or maybe you're in the middle of a train-of-thought-wreck like me, and in dire need of some novelist first aid?

I use chocolate for that. It has just the right consistency to patch up brains and mend hearts, you know?

Ahem. So here's the other Birth of a Novel NaNoWriMo-ists, do go give them the shout-outs I couldn't give them this week...

Brooke Busse

Charity Bradford

Elizabeth Poole

Fida Islaih


Lena Hoppe

Mia Hayson

Miranda Hardy

Nyxie Moon

Have a nice weekend, everyone!


Charity Bradford said...

Tessa, so sorry this week has been a bust. Don't stress over it though.

When you get a chance, check out Janice Hardy's post 4 ways to fix stalled writing . It's today's post. Perfect timing huh?

Anyway, I'm barely on track, but that's fine cause I think the writing is going well. My goal is a workable first draft, so if I finish in Dec so be it.

Good luck and I hope you find the story again!

Elizabeth Poole said...

Poor Tessa! Its okay you're behind. NaNo is a really great way to give yourself some motivation, but try not to get too upset if you fall behind. I am ahead, but only because I had lots of extra time and energy in week one. Week two was very difficult for me. It's getting better, but it's still slow going for me.

I plan to write a full length novel anyway, so I will be writing into December. Maybe take a day to sit down and figure out where you want your book to go. After I did that I had an easier time with the scenes.

Good luck!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

But don't worry about it! I bet you've written more than you would've otherwise.

Nyxie Moon said...

I feel your pain! I'm basically in the same boat that you're in. When I do manage to get a few words/sentences written, something comes up that needs my attention and by the time I come back I forgotten where that sentence was going. I'm really behind and I highly doubt that I will come anywhere close to finishing this year, but such is life. I think this is just supposed to be a kick in the pants to give some people a deadline, because let's face it, writers need to create deadlines or else they'd never get anything done! So don't worry about it too much, the only think that should matter is having fun. Relax, take a few deep breaths and if something still doesn't come to you, the NaNo website says, just add ninjas!

Fida Islaih said...

im with you on that train wreck, I'm a little behind 6,000 words. Eek!

Good luck! (:

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