Thursday 2 June 2011

All Evidence to the Contrary...


No really. I may have had little more than a handful of hours to write these last few weeks, and perhaps I'm  terminally plothopping, and ok, so I'm really, really bad at finishing things.

But you know what?

I'm still a writer. Because, you see, no matter what I do, all I want need is to write, to tell the stories of all those people roaming around my head like so many plot bunnies dust bunnies tumbleweeds. I can't seem to stop. Even when I have no pen at hand, no paper close by, scenes and conversations run through my head and I curse myself for not having a dictaphone. I'll see something on the street, hear a snippet of someone talking on the phone/to their neighbour/to the waiter, and there it is, that bit of plot I've been missing. Or maybe a new plot, who knows.

According to some of my friends, I even have conversations with myself.          o.O

So here's my statement of the day:


and maybe, one day, soon I'll be an author, too.

What about you, my dearies? What convinces you that writing is what you're meant to do?


Elena Solodow said...

Of course you are! This is always a good post to write, just as a reminder. I'm lucky that writing has always been a constant for me. I can't turn it off, so I suppose that's all the reminder for me. There's nothing like going through a dull period and then having a great idea come to you!

Golden Eagle said...

I love putting my thoughts down in words--and, as you mentioned, I'll come across something and just get an idea for a story. :)

Anna said...

I'm totally a writer, even if at the moment I am procrastinating instead. Thanks for the self-affirming post.

Natasha Hanova said...

The voices…. :-)

and p.s. take out the "maybe". TESSA CONTE IS A WRITER, and one day, I'll be an author too. Power of positive thinking.

Unknown said...

Were we separated at birth? :)

What makes someone a writer vs. an author? Most days I call myself a writer, and the times I've called myself an author just feels...odd.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

You ARE a writer!

stu said...

I make my living from writing, and I still feel uncomfortable calling myself a writer.

Myne said...

How I know? I don't talk much, but I love writing and there are so many stories in my head. :)

Wendy Lu said...

I constantly have these voices yackety yacking in my head...if I don't write their stories, who will? :)

Great post Tessa, I enjoyed reading as always!


Raquel Byrnes said...

I guess, like you, I can't stop writing. I do have conversations that might be construed as being with "non-existing" people, but really...I can't help it.
Edge of Your Seat Romance

Unknown said...

My reasons are much the same as yours, and nowadays I steal time to write when I can and obsess about it doing chores when I can't. yes, you're a WRITER!

Daily (w)rite

Deniz Bevan said...

Hear hear!
I wish my plot bunnies multiplied like yours... I have character ideas, and emotional connection ideas, but seem to lack *action* ideas...

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