Tuesday 1 November 2011

Ten Things about my NaNo 2011

Yep, I'm doing it again, starting today.

  1. I'll be writing 1,667 words each day this November, or at least that's the plan. 
  2. This year, I'm also part of the Birth of a Novel Blogchain hosted by Charity. The aim of the game is to post updates on our NaNo progress every Tuesday, pop in on the others and generally revel in the madness. 
  3. I'm actually writing this post late on the 31st of October, and as of yet, I have NO CLUE what I'll be writing tomorrow. This will be the ultimate pantsing experience for me. 
  4. Actually, I'm always a pantser. Whenever I try to plan (too much or even at all) my characters go on strike and my Muse wrinkles his cute little nose at me in disdain before flouncing off to make someone else happy. Bitch. 
  5. I'm in a really busy place, job wise, so doing NANo is probably not the most intelligent thing. But hey, it's all about the rush, no?
  6. I really wish I wasn't such a pantser. I'd love to be able to outline properly, just once, without it killing the mojo. 
  7. I love - LOVE - drawing maps. Yep, maps. What! I write fantasy. I'm allowed. Only problem? I have yet to figure out how to fit 1677 words onto a map. 
  8. Maybe I'll start off my NaNo with a map anyway. 
  9. I hope I'll be waking up tomorrow with my Muse at my side. The imaginary one, that is. The most I can hope for physically speaking is one of my two dogs. *sigh* 
  10. Please do pop in again next Tuesday and say hi! It'll make my NaNo week, really it will. And maybe, if you have time, say hi to the others, too? Here's the list of The Birth of a Novel-ers: 



Christine Rains said...

I'm a pantser too, but I have an idea and list of characters to start this year's NaNo with. One year I actually did start with a map. It really does give you a lot of inspiration. Good luck! :)

dolorah said...

Good luck Tessa; you'll do great.


Dan said...

Good luck! Almost four in, and haven't written a word yet. I've got a really busy non-NaNo month, too, but I really wanted to do this. Even if I don't "win," I'll still get something positive out of it.


Miranda Hardy said...

I'll be right along side. Good luck this week!

Huntress said...

Fantasy is my drug of choice also.

I am somewhere in-between pantser and plotter. Recently my antag told me he's innocent. Now I wonder, should I believe him or not? hm.

Theresa Milstein said...

Good luck, Tessa. Go Go Go!

Charity Bradford said...

LOL, go Pantsers! Hope you had fun drawing maps today, and the story will come. It usually does. ;)

Thanks for joining us and happy writing!

Elizabeth Poole said...

I am a plotter, but I've found that some things come a lot easier when I leave room for creativity. So I am trying to do both. Good luck on your straight pansting!

Unknown said...

Wow, starting NaNo without any ideas as to what to do. I think you can still do it though. We're all rooting for you!

Nyxie Moon said...

Good luck! I'm sure you'll figure it out. By reading some other posts of yours, I think you'll be just fine.

Mia Hayson said...


I still have no idea what my novel is about, hope yours is going well!

jonyangorg said...

Good luck with your Nano! Just started mine too!

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